Monday, March 2, 2015

Snapshot of Us

About a month ago, I decided it was high-time that we got Little Sister represented on the blog header and sidebar.  (You know, only took me six months to do that...)

Still trying to get the clarity and sizing right on the header (that will probably take me another six months), but here is the image, designed by my awesome friend Tia, and I love it.  And if anyone has any advice on how to get the sizing right so it fills the length of the computer screen, let me know.

Those of you who read the blog on a phone won't ever see the sidebar, so I thought I would post our current "autobio poems" here (plus that way they will be saved in my blog books for posterity as well--I should've been doing this all along).


Lover of squishes from Mama, snuggles from Daddy, and tickles from Brother
Who feels content and smiley first thing in the morning
Who needs shoes that will actually stay on her wiggly feet
Who gives mega-watt grins that melt the heart
Who fears the raucous (but affectionate) smothering of her older brother
Who would like to see her aunties and grandparents more often
Resident of a comfy one-story home where she is the queen


Lover of the Polar Express, all things sugar, and his "Baby Sister"
Who feels ecstatic when "chuffing" one of his beloved trains around the house
Who needs explanations for everything, big and small
Who gives strangers a reason to smile with his friendly chatter
Who fears "spooky" shadows, scary scenes in movies, and toilets that flush by themselves
Who would like to see a friend come over to play every single day 
Resident of a house covered in photos of him and his sister


Lover of conversations with a kindred, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and Idaho sunsets
Who feels overwhelmingly happy when nibbling on one of her delicious children
Who needs daily quiet-time to think
Who fears losing someone else whom she loves
Who gives care packages to her friends and love letters to her kids and Ryan
Who would like to see more openness, compassion, and individuality in the world
Resident of a little house with cute daisy bushes in front


Lover of ice cream, the night sky, and dance parties with his happy kids
Who feels glorious at the peak of an Idaho mountain
Who needs alone time to just look at the ceiling when he gets home from work
Who gives froyo gift certificates and sugar-free suckers to his dental patients
Who fears talking on the phone and settling for less than his potential
Who would like to see family cartrips in a minivan to explore the West
Resident of Twin Falls, ID

Love my little family!  Love my life, even when it is hard.  I've been getting some good emails with advice on feeling "burned out" lately as a stay-at-home mom, and I am feeling much better this week.  Maybe I will compile some of the advice I've received and post it here soon.

And speaking of the kids, I love my new photo with them.  When I was updating the sidebar, I realized that I didn't have a single photo with me and both of my kids.  Horrible, right??  So on the spot, Ryan snapped a few with my iPhone, and I am amazed that we got a good one.  So happy to now have my blue-eyed cuties captured at this stage forever.

Life is good.  Have a great week, everyone!

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