Sunday, May 10, 2009

Still Life

This year, I have been the advisor of Still Life, the Orchard Park High School literary magazine. I agreed to take on this additional responsibility because I am a sucker who can't say "no" to anyone--but, in the end, I am so glad that I decided to advise this club! The literary magazine is a collection of poetry and prose written by our high school students; writers submit their work, and then the student staff critiques and rates the poems and chooses the best 50 or so to be featured. Then, the staff designs a magazine to feature all the writing, intermingled with artwork and photography from OPHS students.

I loved advising this club so much because it was a great group of students who actually love to write. They were a motivated, creative, and all-around delightful group of kids (unlike many of the students who I work with in my classroom all day long!) Don't get me wrong...I love the students I teach too...but it was a renewing "boost" at the end of the day to work with excited, dependable student writers in an after-school club.

This past Thursday night was the final "poetry reading" at a local coffee shop. Many of the poets, writers, and artists featured in Still Life attended with their families, and it was a memorable and inspiring night. The kids were all so excited to share their work.

Although I've never been much of a poet, these students have inspired me to start trying--and I am going to write a poem about each member of the Still Life staff to give to them for graduation. I can't wait! Even if the poems are lame, I know they are going to be thrilled...they are such nice kids, and I love them.


  1. Can I just tell you that you look so beautiful in those pictures! Ryan is so lucky. Hope all is well in the buff.

  2. Sounds like a great opportunity! But, as usual, you are adding too much to your plate when you're already stressed. They'll love it, no doubt, but you may end up killing yourself over it. Like the letters to the people at your rehearsal dinner. Including one to your cousin's girlfriend who you'd never met. You really make the rest of us look pathetic, you know. xo

  3. Don't listen to Sarah - she forgets that you don't sleep :) j/k. My real comment is that I had to zoom into the pictures to find you. You realize how young you are? You blend right in. I bet the other people at the coffee shop that these were students out with their teacher.

  4. If only every teacher were more willing to do a little more, then everything wouldn't fall on the one teacher that is willing... like you! However, you are the most amazing teacher. I aspire to be like you!


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