Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rachel's journey to the Holy Land

A few months ago, my dad called and asked me an unexpected question: "Do you want to go to Israel with me this summer?"

It took me -.5 seconds to reply, "Hmm, let me think about this---YES."

My dad has always wanted to travel to the Holy Land and do a religious tour based around the life of Jesus Christ, but since my mom passed away, he hasn't had anyone to go with. Well, I happily agreed to be his lucky traveling companion for this adventure. (My sisters have both had international daddy-daughter trips while they were in college, so they don't get to come on this one! Sorry, girls!)

So, Dad and I are heading to Israel tomorrow. To quote my favorite SNL skit ever, "I'm excited and a little scared." (Thanks, Brian Fellows!) I'm very excited to bond with my dad while learning about the life of the Savior, but I am a little nervous to be in such a foreign place, so far from Ryan (who will be stuck in Buffalo studying for the Boards), during a time of some international upheaval. But hey, I'll have my dad with me...surely, he'll protect me, right?

I am hoping to post frequently throughout my trip--photos and stories--so stay tuned!


  1. Wow! Have a blast, it sounds like fun times ahead!

  2. Have a great trip! I am jealous.... but if it were me going, I would be a bit excited and a bit scared as well :) Ok, so I just saw the pic of you, Ryan, and Ashley jumping at the pageant, then laughed out loud when I read your description. Cheerleader, basketball player, uncoordinated. Haha, that was hilarious. You're such a good sport!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Rachel! I love reading your blog; it is so great! Have an awesome time on your trip ... I am green with envy!

  5. have fun Rach! miss you tons. . . can't wait to hear your stories when you get back. WOW! you are really going! so AWESOME!

  6. I am so jealous that I could spit nails. Enjoy the Mount of Olives. I'll be here enjoying wiping spitup off of my clothes. Grr.

  7. My trip to the Holy Land was life changing... I am so excited for you to share the experience with your dad. :)


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