Thursday, June 3, 2010


My school doesn't end until the 24th of June.  THE 24th!!!  What kind of a state is this???  When I taught in Utah, I was out by the 24th of May.

At this point in the year, I start to get a really bad attitude about the 5:30 a.m. alarm clock, the 30-minute commute each way, and the fact that all of my friends are out enjoying the sunny weather together.



  1. amen, sister. i'm right there with you... all the way until june fricken 24th. it's unjust.

  2. is New York just doomed to do things the WRONG way!?!
    so sorry honey!
    but just think. . . when June is coming to an end. . . that is when we will see an "Eclipse" ! ;) ha ha ha! ;)

    let's eat peach cobbler. . . that will cheer us up!

  3. Amen! June 18th for me. What the?!? And starting on August 9th? How is that even a summer?


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