Monday, August 10, 2009

Night at the Cine

While we were in El Sal, we borrowed a projector from an organization in the city and put on a "movie night" for the kids.

They were greeted at the door of the "cinema" by this handsome usher:

Nice vest, Andrew!

Admission to the cine was very expensive. To get a ticket, you had to give us a smile.

These kids are smiling 100% of the time anyway, but when we asked them to consciously smile, some of them panicked and didn't know how to do it! :)


It was a fun and relaxing night!


  1. That pic of Yanet is HILARIOUS! And is that the cafeteria? What is with the classy curtains?

  2. mmm, nothing like a tight, short vest. Groowl!

  3. Sounds like you had a GREAT time in El Salvador!

  4. What a well deserved, wonderful summer you have had! Strengthened others, strengthened yourself! I hope you have put lots in your reservoir! I love you Rach!


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